Selasa, 20 September 2016


Why Reason I Choose Informatic Engineering

     Hello My name is Haswari, usually called Wari. I was born in Pemangkat. Date of birth 1998. when I was ten years of age rather I sit on the bench in fifth grade,  I moved to the island of Natuna regency Serasan. in Serasan three times I move to another place. in my elementary school  SDN 002 AIR SEKAIN,  finished primary school I went to junior high school SMPN 1 SERASAN,  graduated from high school I went on to senior high school SMAN 1 SERASAN and I chose science major. after graduating from high school I was preparing to conduct a self-test SBMPTN in Tanjungpura University,  five days before the test performed SBMPTN I followed TRY OUT to two in AUDITORIUM UNTAN which was held by BEM KBM UNTAN,  One month later the test results came out, and I check the results declared me "DO NOT PASS" and the less fortunate, One month later the test results came out, and I check the results declared me "DO NOT PASS" and the less fortunate, but I do not despair and keep the spirit to take the test again is a test MANDIRI  UNTAN, in MANDIRI  test UNTAN I choose Informatics Engineering as the first choice and the result "PASS",  after that I prepare all the files for registration. I finally managed to get in at FACULTY UNTAN.
    Reason i choose informatic engineering because i interested with technology and network, because the technology is now becoming more sophisticated and i will create something new apps and new program from result my creation useful and helpful to my and other people. I want work in program and network. Thanks from your time to reading my blog. 

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