Selasa, 29 November 2016


Asslamuaikum wr.wb

Hello welcome to my blog. How are you? Is it still okay. Well I will explain the task to the topic : It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?

My last meal on earth that I choose is the fried rice. The reason why I chose the fried rice as my last meal on earth that my choose. Because, fried rice can vary with a variety of spices and other food ingredients such as meatballs, sausages, bacon, chicken. Even the fried rice can also be combined with vegetables like lettuce, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, and much more. Fried rice can also be topping the form of crackers, fried onions or in accordance with the wishes of the author. Besides the fried rice is also easily found in every corner of the city and even in the corners though. So if I want to eat my last meal on earth that my choose. I just stayed out of the house that did not even have to travel long distances. If I want to make myself do not need a lot of costs and materials is difficult because it was fried rice I can make my own liking.

So that some of the reasons why I chose the fried rice for my last meal on earth. For simple, easy to find, and most importantly it did not disappoint. Thanks  you very much for taking the time to look at and read my blog.

Sabtu, 26 November 2016

Tugas Pekan Ke Delapan Bahasa Inggris


Welcome to my blog. I will explain the task to the topic : A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self.

The first I will explain A letter to my younger self. In the past, I am very sorry that I can not adjust my time to learn and play. I was very selfish and stubborn. I like playing than learning time can, in turn, assume I want change regret I have to be better. Unfortunately, time is not irreversible. hard for me to come to terms with the past. My difficulty will continue to exist and will never be forgotten because of one thing. That is due to an error in the past always give my regrets in the present. Although already passed. Mistakes in the past I would continue with regard to the future. Mistakes in the past that I do always leave scars that are difficult removed. although someday I could just forget. But sometimes will remember back when there is a problem that has to do with mistakes in my past. That's when I realized that the mistakes of the past are not something specific. But it would be like a chain, intertwined with each other.

A letter to the last ten years later myself is that I want to change the behavior or attitude better. I will eliminate what I feel regret that existed in the past. I have to believe in myself in ten years to come.
I should be successful and happy parents were parents who always motivate and help in every way. God willing in the ten years to come I am very anxious to be able to raise the pilgrimage to my parents.

Well, that's all I can tell if there is lack please pardon.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my blog.

Selasa, 22 November 2016


1.    Spesifikasi yang ada di leptop saya

-) Menggunakan sistem operasi windows 7 ultimate 64-bit

Windows 7 merupakan sistem operasi yang dirilis oleh Microsoft Windows yang mana tidak seperti pendahulunya yang banyak sekali memperkenalkan banyak fitur-fitur baru, tetapi Windows 7 lebih fokus kepada pengembangan dasar Windows itu sendiri. Dengan tujuan agar bisa lebih kompatibel terhadap aplikasi-aplikasi dan juga perangkat keras pada komputer yang kompatibel dengan Windows Vista. Windows 7 juga tersedia dalam berbagai macam versi yaitu Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Profesional, Enterprise, serta Ultimate.
-) Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-5005U CPU,  2.0 GHz
Intel mengeluarkan Core i3 pada tanggal 7 Januari 2010 menggunakan Arsitektur yang dinamakan Nehalem, arsitektur baru ini menawarkan performa yang lebih tinggi dengan pengaturan konsumsi daya yang jauh lebih baik dibandingkan dengan arsitektur Core sebelumnya.
GHz merupakan GHz paling sering merujuk pada kecepatan clock CPU unit, A lebih cepat clock CPU maka akan semakin cepat komputer dapat memproses data dan instruksi. Pada tahun 2000, Intel dan Advanced Micro Devices mencapai pemasaran dan tonggak teknis dengan melepaskan CPU pertama untuk berjalan pada 1 GHz. Kecepatan ini telah dikemudian hari sudah mencapai 4 GHz keatas.
    -) Memory RAM 4GB
RAM ( Random Acces Memory) adalah  memory tempat penyimpanan sementara pada saat komputer dijalankan dan dapat diakses secara acak atau random. Fungsi dari RAM adalah mempercepat pemprosesan data pada komputer. Semakin besar RAM yang dimiliki, semakin cepatlah komputer.
    -) HDD (Hard Disk Drive) 500 GB
Hard Disk Drive merupakan perangkat untuk menyimpan dan mengambil informasi digital, terutama data pada komputer.
    -) ODD (Optical Disc Drive)
Optical Disc Drive merupakan perangkat yang dapat berdiri sendiri seperti pemutar CD, pemutar DVD dan perekam DVD.
2.    Perbedaan Proses Pengolahan Data
-) Komputer
Input adalah proses pemasukan data contohnya melalui keyboard, mouse, scanner , dan sebagai berikut.  Sesudah input, data di proses dengan prosessor lalu  pemrosesan berlangsung Setelah itu, data diolah dan dikeluarkan melalui monitor, printer, dan alat lainnya. Dan  terjadilah suatu  proses output.

-) Gadget
menginput data, setelah menginput data Gadget akan memperoses data tersebut dan menjadikannya sebuah data output. Tahap Proses Pengolahan Data yang terjadi  pada Gadget sama dengan komputer tapi caranya lebih cepat dari proses data komputer. 

3.    Beberapa jenis perbedaan sistem operasi

Windows merupakan sistem operasi yang paling sering kita jumpai pada saat ini karena kebanyakan orang lebih nyaman menggunakan sistem operasi windows dibandingkan dengan menggunakan sistem operasi lainnya. Dimana didalam sistem operasi windows mempunyai GUI yang familiar sehingga pengguna lebih nyaman berada didepan layar monitor, dukungan perangkat dari driver yang lebih baik, Mudah untuk digunakan, dan karena para pengguna sudah terbiasa dengan tampilan windows. Namun windows juga mempunyai kelemahan yaitu sistem operasi ini berbayar, instalasi yang lebih sulit dibandingkan sistem operasi linux dan sangat rentan terhadap serangan virus.

Linux bersifat open source, terbuka dan leluasa jadi untuk memperolehnya tak memerlukan anggaran (LISENSI FREE)  dan semuanya boleh di utak atik. Linux juga mudah di operasikan dari pada windows. Linux juga lebih baik keamanannya dari pada windows dimana sistem operasi yang multiuser jadi apabila virus menyerang user tertentu, maka bakal sangat susah untuk menyebar ke user lainnya. Namun linux ini juga memiliki kelemahan yaitu Instalasi linux tak semudah Instalasi windows. Inilah sebabnya sekarang kita sudah jarang menemukan orang yang menggunakan sistem operasi Linux ini.

Jumat, 18 November 2016


Assalamualikum wr.wb

Welcome to my blog. I will explain my task with the topic:Your karaoke song of choice and why.

The song that I chose the usual karaoke is actually a lot but I have a song that I love for karaoke is the song "Iwan Fals mother" why I chose this song for karaoke because the song was so good to hear for me and to sing any song is so made me thrilled when live it well as we feel what is sung by the singer.This song is very telling where the long life of a mother when raising their children.The song also depicts a mother figure whose love and pity for her child.Although life is lived to raise her children do selflessly.mother is someone who has an unyielding spirit despite having to cope with obstacles and trials of life.It's all done just for the sake of their children to a better life in the future.If this is associated with life, then the mother figure described by Iwan Fals it was my mother who always give attention to my education and he was very mendukungkan to continue studying as a provision for later the importance of a mother's love like the air without which human beings can not live.This was the reason why I rather choose this song when my karaoke.

Thank you very much is taking the time to read  my blog.

Senin, 14 November 2016

Kamis, 10 November 2016

Tugas Pekan Keenam Bahasa Inggris

Asslamualikum wr.wb
Welcome to again in the my blog. I will tell my tasks with the topic : Your favorite place you’ve traveled to.

 Before you tell them I will explain how I can go elsewhere Your favorite place you’ve traveled to.Let me not be length before I go in his favorite place I ever  go. I still Twelve years boy who will go the holiday in the city of Sambas. From the my island want to go to sambas city after I arrived in sambas i directly in the invite to go by my family namely go holiday in the City of Singkawang.His favorite place you've traveled to is in tourism place mimi land exactly in the area of the City of Singkawang. Mimi Land is a tourism place in Kalimantan Barat in the City of Singkawang. There are many vehicle that is available in the area of this tour, there are flying fox, boat kora tora, ontang of earrings, comedy turn and etc. In addition to the realm of mimi land there is also the beach and relaxd place. Mimi land is very suitable for me where I can relax the same family can feel the beautiful beach, and can play the realm of exciting and challenging. But unfortunately i could not feel all the sphere because not enough time. But I have been grateful in bring the holiday in the exclamation point for me this is my reasons why I chose tourism place mimi land.

Thank you very much is taking the time to read  my blog .


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