Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016



Apa peran lulusan teknik informatika bagi masyarakat ?. Pada era globalisasi sekarang ini, teknologi semakin canggih dan menjadi kebutuhan yang penting bagi setiap masyarakat maupun organisasi yang bergerak dalam perusahaan. Selain itu, teknologi juga merupakan salah satu alat yang mampu memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat dalam komunikasi hiburan dan pendidikan.
Oleh karena itu, masyarakat sangat memerlukan lulusan teknik informatika ini untuk berperan di kalangannya agar bisa membantu masyarakat dalam mempermudah segala urusan yang berkaitan dengan teknologi. Selain di butuhkan masyarakat, lulusan teknik informatika ini juga bisa menjadi seorang pengusaha dengan keahlian dan kreativitas di bidang ilmu informatika.
Sekarang kita akan membahas apa peran lulusan teknik informatika bagi masyarakat. Banyak sekali peran bagi lulusan teknik informatika di berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Seorang lulusan teknik informatika mampu menciptakan teknologi yang berguna dan sangat penting peranannya untuk digunakan oleh masyarakat.
Salah satu peran teknik informatika bagi masyarakat yakni dalam komunikasi. Email, merupakan yang paling utama dalam perubahan cara berkomunikasi. Dengan hanya mempunyai satu email, kita dapat mengikuti berbagai model komunikasi yang ada di internet. Diantaranya yaitu forum, milis/group, situs jejaring sosial, blog, situs sharing file dan E-learning menggunakan teleconference.
Jadi, peran yang dapat diberikan kepada masyarakat ini adalah mendapat informasi teknologi untuk kehidupan pribadi dan kolektif. Pada era informasi, kehidupan ini telah dipengaruhi berbagai kebutuhan secara elektronik. Informasi yang dibutuhkan terus menerus berkembang dari informasi yang sederhana sampai ke informasi strategis.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016


“Smartphone Apps that you love”
Assalamualikum wr.wb
Welcome to My blog. This time I will explain the task to the five i topic: “Smartphone Apps that you love”
I will explain the Blackberry smartphone application that I love is actually much but I took some that I love only because if I told them later add the state. Let me not want to talk at length about issues related to that my topic . Apps Blackberry smartphone that my prefer: instagram,bbm, dan SHAREit.

 The first is Apps instagram why I choose Apps instagram because Apps instagram easy to use we can post a photo or video that I prefer,can follow those who did not I know and people can also follow me also, can comment on , give like, until the appropriate searching hashtag I can do with easy. In any instagram i can search for videos and the latest photos, videos and photos are unique and can shopping via instagram that I can see the picture or a video. But in the Apps insatgram I feel the lack of Apps instagram: i wasteful as my internet quota.

 The second is Apps BBM(blackbarry messenger) because Apps BBM very help me in terms of a chat to the people I know and those who do not I know, can create important groups such as HIGH SCHOOL alumni group i,group,muslim pendikar class group,etc.  And Apps hike i can also change the change the profile photo and I can see those who make friends with i change the change profile.

The last is Apps SHAREit because Apps SHAREit is also very help me. function of Apps this is its function almost like the same bluetooth but Apps SHAREit is very sophisticated because he can simplify i send and request Apps others with the condition that we give or ask that he must have also Apps SHAREit. Let this only i can explain Apps that I prefer.

Thank you very much is taking the time to read my blog.

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016


                                         “What movie best describes your life
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hello Welcome to again in my blog. I will explain the fourth task i topic : what Movie best describes your life.

The movie that I think better describes my life namely Laskar pelangi because the movie laskar pelangi also tells of Belitung Island which is the island that one of the richest in Indonesia with the results of tin. This movie also in fill the stories about the periphery and the story of the struggle for life attain a dream moving, as well as the beauty of friendship to save the life of man.  And the schools are not sufficient capacity and the teachers are less. But do not break their spirit to continue to go to school to achieve a dream the aspiration to become a reality.

Why did I choose the movie laskar pelangi is to explain a good movie describe my life because in the story of the movie laskar pelangi is almost the same with my life where I also lived on the island of serasan island which we kind of island including the richest island in Indonesia with the results of the great natural resources: oil and the results of the sea.  And I feel the stories where I SD in an island that its capacity is inadequate and teachers any less.  But that makes my spirit of school because there is a friendship at the same wanted to realize a dream and the ideals that we want.  Although we feel that less is not adequate school capacity and the teachers we do not break the spirit create schools to learn. According to us the worst- bad schools does not prevent us to achievement to show the world.

My messages wherever you schools which are not sufficient capacity and the teachers less, do not despair to pursue dreams and ideals of you because education is very important for us. “Keep the spirit”

Thank you very much is taking the time to read  my blog .


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